
Showing posts from October, 2017

the dream about the tiger

The dream started off pleasant enough. I was with my husband and two children on holiday, and we were enjoying lunch in a sparklingly clean restaurant that had beautiful views of woodland through high windows. There was lots of light and a wonderful sense of peace and I felt happy. We all did. Everyone in my family, and all the other families. Then I noticed in the middle of the floor that there was a set of showers. I asked the waiter about them, because I couldn't imagine anyone would be having showers in such a public place. The waiter told me that the showers were just for us, as we didn't have any in our lodge. Every other family got to shower in privacy, but we were different. We had to wash ourselves here. The waiter assumed this wasn't a problem. After all if we came early in the morning, no one was around. Then I was in our lodge, alone. Dappled sunlight flooded in through the many windows making patterns on the dark oak floor. The white woodwork shone, the com